Tuesday, 26 January 2016

3 reasons for doing anything

If you haven't read Aristotle's ethics, it behoves you to read it. If you have, read it again. You will find it one of your closest friends throughout life. It's pages are packed full of valuable lessons and today I want to share three of those lessons with you, or should I say three reasons for doing anything.
  1. It is morally good.
  2. It is a practical necessity.
  3. It gives you joy.
Even with all our labour saving technology we are still very time poor. We are stressed out, our lives seem packed with things we simply must do and often it feels like were on the hamster wheel, the faster we run, the more tired we get without actually getting anywhere.
Apply Aristotle's reason to your life,
  • Don't buy all the stuff you don't need.
  • Don't read the books or wear the clothes that you don't enjoy.
  • Show kindness to your family and justice to your employer or employee.
Just think how much happier you will be by following just those three simple maxims to live your life by.
If something is neither moral, nor necessary, nor enjoyable, drop it!