Saturday, 4 February 2017

The zulu principle

The Zulu Principle

“This [was]… an idea I had after observing my wife read a four-page article in Reader’s Digest on the subject of Zulus. As a result, within a few minutes she knew more than I did about Zulus and it occurred to me that, if she had then borrowed all the available books on Zulus from the local library, she would have become the leading expert in the county.

If she has subsequently been invited to stay on a Zulu kraal (by an unsuspecting chief) and read about the history of Zulus at Johannesburg University for another six months, she would have become one of the leading experts in the world.

The key point is that my wife would have applied a disproportionate effort to becoming relatively expert in a very narrow subject. She would have used a laser beam rather than a scattergun and her intellectual and other resources would, in that narrow context, have been used to maximum advantage…

That way, you will become relatively expert in your chosen area. It is only necessary to be six inches taller than the other people in a room to see above everyone’s heads. Applying The Zulu Principle helps you grow these extra six inches.” 

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Dress like a gentleman

Black is the new black! Black never goes out of fashion for a real man, for those aspiring to become men, aspire to wear black. It needs to be said, a man is never seen wearing white socks with black shoes! Here's some more pointers for the aspirational man.
  • Wear Black.
  • Oxford shoes, not Brogues.
  • A well fitted suit.
  • White, preferably Oxford Shirt.
  • Tie (Not novelty).
  • Keep jewellery to a minimum and no ear rings.