Wednesday, 26 June 2019

4 reasons you should study the Classics

Why study the classics?
  1. It's thought to be a fit background for anyone contemplating a high-flying career in any profession.
  2. It gives you a well trained mind.
  3. If you're a Classical Scholar, you can pretty well do anything; you've even got the wherewithal to be the Captain of a Nuclear Submarine.
  4. The study of the Classics, is not stuff that has no value.

Thursday, 20 June 2019

Training is your best friend

I certainly prefer training over spending time with people, any day!
My exercises have done more for me than any of my 'friends'. In my life, I've met hundreds, thousands of people who wanted to attack me, steal from me, bully me, humiliate me, or even kill me.
But my training has given nothing but benefits. It gives far more than it takes. I've wasted great chunks of my time on human beings who I now wish I'd never even met. But training? I don't regret a single second of the time I spent working out.
Every moment of effort, every drop of sweat, was worthwhile.