Friday, 29 November 2019

The Truly Rich Man

The man who adapts himself to his slender means and makes himself wealthy on a slender sum, is the truly rich man.
Rich is a very subjective term. Status anxiety causes us to want more and more, while getting less and less true satisfaction.
If we take a Spartan approach to life, clothing for warmth not brands, food for sustenance, not hedonism, a home for shelter over extravagance, then we can surely be rich no matter what our income.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

The Might of Right

Right is mightier than a thousand men at arms. When we stand up for what is right, even alone and unarmed, we are stronger, not physically, but morally.
Our moral integrity and honour shines through when we stand for what's right, instead of what's the law.
Even now in China, students are fighting for what's right against a militaristic Government that bring force upon those that question their rule.
Throughout history, right has proven mightier than a thousand men at arms.

Sunday, 24 November 2019


In all things, let us conduct ourselves so that all men wish to be our friends and all fear to be our enemies.
I know it's not politically correct and feminists may baulk at it, but men should carry a Chivalric code in all they do. We should be respectful, helpful, mind our language and our manners. Give respect to get respect.
At the same time our conduct, body language and speech should let people know, making an enemy of us is not a good idea.
Be the best friend they would ever want and the worst enemy, if they choose to make that choice.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs


  • Physiological needs are about having the right nutrition and water, access to fresh air, enough rest and exercise.
  • Safety needs are about security and feeling safe – physically and emotionally, the need to have shelter/a home and to have stability in one’s life.
  • Belongingness and love and are to do with others, the social side of feeling that you belong, are connected, loved and included.
  • Esteem needs concerns inner self – having feelings of achievement, being recognised, having power over one’s life and being a person different from another person.
  • Self-actualization is to do with achieving one’s full potential, being creative and finding that specialness of oneself.

    Wednesday, 20 November 2019

    Three questions

    1. Who am I?
    2. Why am I here?
    3. What do I want?

    Tuesday, 19 November 2019



    People haven't found meaning in their lives, so they're running all the time trying to find it
    People are racing through life, as kids were soon asked what do we want to do when we grow up? Society pressures us to get a job. Certain jobs carry societal prestige, while other jobs disdain.
    The pressure to be rich, or at least as the middle class have found, the appearance of being rich, is a noose round our necks.
    We rush through life for the better job, better career, build portfolios of qualifications or find ways to increase our bank accounts to levels far greater than need demands, in order to find meaning in a society that values wealth and status above all.
    With all that running, we don't get time to stop and admire the beauty in the world. We don't get time to find true meaning in our lives.
    Time to stop running.

    Monday, 18 November 2019

    The Bare Necessities


    Life's necessities are cheap and easily obtainable.
    Water - we do not need alcohol, carbonated drinks, tea or coffee to survive. Water will suffice.
    Food - A plain balanced and sensible diet will sustain us. We do not need restaurants and take outs. Fast foods and processed foods do nothing for our bodies. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables to your hearts content, it will do no harm.
    Clothing - clothing should be considered the body's armour. A brand logo does not make a T shirt any better than the exact equivalent without the logo. Clothes are to hide our modesty and keep us warm, nothing more.
    Shelter - This can be a tent, a river boat, caravan, flat, house mansion. Shelter needs to be protection from the elements. Shelter as a need is not something to show off and keep up with the Joneses.