Tuesday, 2 June 2020


Manly Virtues to live your life by:
  • Courage
  • Patience
  • Selflessness
  • Loyalty
  • Fidelity
  • Self-command
  • Respect for Elders
  • Love of our comrades (and of the enemy)
  • Perseverance
  • Cheerfulness in adversity
  • A sense of humour, no matter how terse or dark

Saturday, 23 May 2020

How to Conduct Yourself

In a world where, unless you live alone, on a deserted island, societal structures, good or bad, rule the roost, we must learn how to construct ourselves in an ever evolving landscape.

You must conduct yourself so that all men seek to be your friend and all fear to be your enemy.

In this way will you go through life happier and less prone to doubt, fear and anxiety.

There are many approaches to this and certainly there is no one size fits all, but conduct yourself in this way you must, if you are to become a man of worth.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Excuses - Everyone's Got One

Everyone's got excuses, only the weak use them!

Friday, 17 January 2020

Acta Non Verba

Acta Non Verba - Deeds not Words! This is something we should carry with us throughout life. Some people talk it and talk it, and the dream never materialises. 

Other people talk of all the great and heroic things they've done, but have nothing tangible to support their words.

Be like the Spartans, only speaking when necessary, allowing their actions and deeds to do the talking for them. 

Show, don't tell and greatness awaits.