Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied? I suppose that does have some validation, up to a certain point. But let's look at it from a pigs (or any animal for that matter) view point. Pigs in general get to roll around in mud, they eat pretty much anything, including human beings if you let them, they tend to have a pretty groovy lifestyle, eat, sleep and sure, at some point they get slaughtered for sausage and bacon, but, from what I have seen, they have a pretty happy, stress free existence during their lives, you could even go so far as say they embrace their inner hedonist, even if it is by default.
What you don't often see is a pig whining, bitching, moaning, unable to sleep because they're stressed out, always rushing about full of 'busy' when in fact they're not really busy at all. Pigs have a simple life and they tend to enjoy it and they certainly wouldn't thank us for the intellect to be able to start sweating and stressing about life's problems, about whether there actually is life after death, which political party to vote for or even keeping up with the Joneses. (I can only hope no one reading this has read 'Animal farm' or my whole case is destroyed before it gets traction ;)
So why can't people be more like pigs, what real benefit do we derive by trying to be a Socrates dissatisfied, when we can all be pigs satisfied? We can spend our lives chasing 'things' we feel will make us 'happy', new skills for better paid jobs and promotions, to get more money to buy more things. Even George Orwell in his magnificent book, 'Down and out in Paris and London' will tell you "The more money you have, the more problems you have."
But can't we be 'intelligently happy'? Of course we can, a pig enjoy life to the full and then is killed to feed the masses. Socrates was also killed, this time with Hemlock, but he didn't feel the need to bitch and whine to resolve his problems. Despite his refutations, he was a very clever chap, the mouthpiece and teacher of Plato. His 'ideas' are bulletproof over 2000 years on and he had probably a lot more to grumble about than modern day man.
So yes I would say we can be intelligent, or at least strive for intelligence, and be happy and not stress and worry about every tiny little thing. We could stress about what happens after we die, what is the point of life, does God really exist, why are we here, how long can we hide from the Provident lady, &c, but, will we find any answers? Will we really be any happier after pondering such deep and philosophical questions, or just wasted another half hour of our preciously short lives.
I say we all start embracing our inner Hedonism, instead of pondering the unknowable how about wondering what you could have for lunch. Then think about that friend you haven't seen for ages because work and 'busy stuff' keeps getting in the way of meeting up. How about you text them and ask if they fancy meeting up for a meal at the new restaurant that's just opened in town. It gives you time to relax, catch up in good company and chew the fat about what each of you have really been doing the last few weeks you have been incognito.
In fact, why don't you call them now, right after you finish reading this post? It's not like you have anything better to do right? And it might just make two people very happy.