Tuesday 10 September 2013

Why I gym

Yesterday I asked the question of a friend, "Why Gym?" (or any form of exercise really). Why put ourselves through the pain and torture of getting some magical term of 'fit'? The reply was a genuine "I enjoy it". That's great for those that genuinely derive pleasure from vigorous exercise, but if exercise is for life, I honestly don't feel like going down the gym when I'm 77 years old, hammering away at the cross trainer. I'm struggling to stay motivated for my 'fit for 40 challenge' never mind life!
Of course I always keep in the back of my mind what Aristotle said (Maybe Socrates or Marcus Aurelius, certainly someone from the classical period), that we must be of both healthy body and healthy mind. To neglect the exercise of either would be detrimental to our health.
'Rather Socrates dissatisfied than a pig satisfied' I totally accept that, but killing yourself with vigorous exercise in the vain attempt to clutch a few straws of life, so we can stay trapped here on earth for a few more years in old age, that's a lot harder to handle. Sure I do understand the benefits at core, but it's no way as motivating as the Socrates quote is for self education.
I hold my hands up, I love the cross trainer, but I hate the treadmill with a passion. In fact me and running just don't get along at all, however, have a raw steak hanging out of my back pocket and a 3 day starved German Shepherd let off it's leash, no doubt I could run far and run fast!
So we need to find our personal motivation and for me it has to be 'heart healthy' over vanity of looks any day. Sure I want them to have a fit dad they can run around the park with, a Dad that can be around 'healthily' not crippled and diseased expecting my children to look after me because I couldn't be bothered to take care of myself. No doubt I can spare an hour or 2 a day to get 'fit', whatever your personal definition of that word is.
And the best thing about technology is, you can listen to your favourite radio 4 podcasts or numerous audiobooks as you work out, combining the best of both worlds and tipping your hat to the greatest the classical period had to offer us.

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